January 2006 Newsletter

First, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new year. As I have already said, there are some changes to be made for 2006 on the committee and I hope you have been busy getting volunteers to jump in at the deep end. Just to remind you, most importantly we need a caretaker, without him we can’t start a meeting! The chairman’s job will therefore be just that, to keep the unruly mob on the committee in order! And we want a third member for the events organizing team. Maybe it’s time for a new secretary as well, because the current numbskull got the date for the May meeting wrong.. It should read May 13th and not 17th. Thanks to Bill Burden for pointing this out.

The AGM will open sharp at nine o’clock on Saturday 14th January and this will be followed at 10 am approximately, by a demonstration by Alan Hazel. Alan is a professional demonstrator with a varied programme from lace bobbins to natural edge bowls.

Due to other commitments I wasn’t at the December meeting or the Christmas dinner but thanks once again to Peter Branchett I have several photographs and some notes to work on. We had a good turnout to see Tony Witham turning first a textured bowl followed by an example of off set turning to produce a female figure. His final piece for the day was a natural edge bowl. Nearly everyone who attended the morning meeting came back for the afternoon session, which is a good sign of an interesting day.

The Christmas dinner was also a success with excellent food and lots of idle banter going on. The spinning top competition was won by, guess who, yep, Pat Hughes. Members were also invited to bring along a piece of work that they were proud of to be entered in a competition to win a small cup. The winner for this was Mick Adams with Mike Turner coming in as runner up.
The winner of the certificate for the meeting on the 10th was Ian Alston with a beautiful timepiece comprising a sundial and a clock mounted info a colonnaded setting. We had the highest ever number of entries this month and Peter took many photos but I can only produce a few of them here. Well done to everyone and I hope you will keep up the enthusiasm for 2006.

Just over half of our members have sent me their renewal forms so far and hopefully the rest of you will do so at the next meeting. Please don’t forget your renewal forms. I can’t work on the membership directory until I have all of these in and it would be nice if I can get these done and sent to you with your February newsletter. That’s it, no more nagging from me, until the next time

Looking forward to seeing you on the 14th and for those of you who like to attend the hands on evenings (Bert says you can discuss any problems except marital ones!) this months is on Thursday 12th and starts at 7.00 pm.


AGM 14th January 2006 at 0900

The Agenda will comprise the following
Opening of the meeting by the Chairman
Reading of the minutes of the last AGM
Matters arising from the minutes
Acceptance of the minutes
(Proposed-seconded - Show of hands)
Report from the Chairman
Report from the Treasurer.
Report from the Secretary.
Report from the Events Organiser.
Subscription for 2007 & Entrance fee for members & non-members for 2006
Selection of the Committee for 2006,